About us


Harmonie Center is a combination of physical and dematerialised facilities designed to revolutionise the art of entertainment. We believe that everything can be conveyed in a spectacular way.

Giving birth in this way to new ways of living, travelling through space, meeting new forms of life - these form the core of our activities. In our search for the most tangible experience possible, we also offer for sale elements from our audiovisual productions.

Did you think this was fiction?

We are also a community of employees shaped by Harmonie Center. Everyone who works here was once part of the audience. That's why a little of you is present in each of our projects, and who knows, maybe you'll be part of it too. We are constantly recruiting!

The foundations of our buildings are surrounded by water. Imagine this substance as the cerebrospinal fluid in which our brains are immersed, and whose unity is formed by the exchanges between our different departments. This forms a network of meanings all our own, but completely inclusive in the strongest sense. We won't leave anyone out.

Welcome to Harmonie Center!