My heart

126.75 €
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Hello darling, Hello to the most beautiful woman on earth, just a few words to tell you that I'm thinking of you and that I miss you. Every time I think of you, I smile. Every time I talk to you or you talk to me, I'm on cloud nine. And when I miss you, I don't have to look far... I look into my heart, because that's where you are.

I'm telling you all this to say I love you in my own way. I opened the doors of my heart to you, and you managed to enter, but you won't be able to escape because my heart is a real labyrinth. You are the princess of this kingdom where you make me your prince, but I have imprisoned you to love me for eternity. I love you and will do so until my last heartbeat.

Joy is you, love is you, life is you, you are everything. So how can I live without anything? I miss you so much! I miss you, I miss you, I miss you. No matter how many times I say it, it will never be enough.

Have a good and pleasant day. I tenderly kiss you and love you madly.

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